The Sacrifice Of Victor is the 18th and final track (16th song) on Prince’s 14th album , the second album to be credited to Prince and the New Power Generation.
While specific recording dates are not known, basic tracking took place in early December 1991, at Paisley Park Studios in Chanhassen, Minnesota (during the same set of sessions that produced Sexy M.F., The Morning Papers, And God Created Woman and Arrogance). The song was originally recorded with Rosie Gaines but her vocal parts were removed before release.
It was included as the 24th and final track (15th song) on a March 1992, configuration of the album, and the 24th and final track (16th song) on a late-Summer, 1992, configuration, before many of the album’s segues were removed for release.
The song’s semi-autobiographical lyrics caused some confusion after Prince changed his name to eight months after the album’s release.
Since the album began with My Name Is Prince and ended with Prince stating: " name will be Victor", many media outlets reported that " " could be referred to as "Victor", some fans even going so far as to show how the symbol could be broken to form the letters V-I-C-T-O-R.
commented regularly on the Act II tour (which began shortly after the name change), following the main set consisting of "Prince" songs, making comments such as: "my name ain’t Prince; and it damn well ain’t Victor".
Strangely, the home video release The Sacrifice Of Victor does not contain a performance of the song, although it opens with commenting on the name as above.