Home Video: 3 Chains O’ Gold

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1994: Interactive Home Videos Promotional Home Videos 1995: The Sacrifice Of Victor
3 Chains O’ Gold

3 Chains O’ Gold artwork

Video details

Released: 16 August 1994 (USA)
Director: Paisley Park ( presumably Prince), Sotera Tschetter, Parris Patton, Randee St. Nicholas
Related: Link= Album: Symbol (album)
Label(s): Paisley Park / Warner Reprise Video (US)
Lenghth: 73 minutes

Charts, Certifications & Awards

See also

Link= Album: Symbol
Act I
Link= Album: Symbol

3 Chains O’ Gold is collection of videos of songs from the Link= Album: Symbol album, loosely following the story told in the albums segues, albeit they were shortened and some omitted on the album as it was released, resulting the narrative being less clear on it. The video uses the same narrative as the Act I TV-special and attempts to present the fuller story of the Princess of Cairo (Mayte) whose father is assassinated by 7 men and left with 3 Chains O’ Gold. She seeks Prince’s help by sending him a video. Upon seeing it he falls in love with her, but is reluctant to commit. After dating other women and sowing his wild oats he realizes his heart belongs to Mayte.

Footage for some of the videos were filmed in Egypt, where Mayte traveled there with Randee St. Nicholas in late 1991, quite some time before the Link= Album: Symbol album was released. The rest of the videos were mostly shot at Paisley Park Studios.

It was released on VHS and Laser Video format in the USA, Europe and Japan.

Track listing
  1. Prologue (My Name Is Prince) (1:02)
  2. Segue (3:30) (unlisted)
  3. My Name Is Prince (3:52)
  4. Segue (2:46) (unlisted)
  5. Sexy M.F. (4:37)
  6. Segue (2:55) (unlisted)
  7. Love 2 The 9’s (3:32)
  8. Segue (0:27) (unlisted)
  9. The Morning Papers (4:01)
  10. Segue (1:17) (unlisted)
  11. The Max (4:49)
  12. Segue (0:47) (unlisted)
  13. Blue Light (3:07)
  14. Segue (0:31) (unlisted)
  15. Eye Wanna Melt With U (3:49)
  16. Segue (0:36) (unlisted)
  17. Sweet Baby (4:03)
  18. Segue (2:04) (unlisted)
  19. The Continental (2:24)
  20. Segue (4:20) (unlisted)
  21. Damn U (4:08)
  22. Segue (4:00) (unlisted)
  23. 7 (4:32)
  24. Epilogue (3 Chains O’ Gold) (2:37)
  25. Segue (0:48) (unlisted)
  26. The Call (3:01) (unlisted)

USA: 38399-3
EUR: 7599 38399-3

Other Formats
Laserdisc DVD
  1. Prologue (My Name Is Prince) (1:02)
  2. Segue (3:30) (unlisted)
  3. My Name Is Prince (3:52)
  4. Segue (2:46) (unlisted)
  5. Sexy M.F. (4:37)
  6. Segue (2:55) (unlisted)
  7. Love 2 The 9’s (3:32)
  8. Segue (0:27) (unlisted)
  9. The Morning Papers (4:01)
  10. Segue (1:17) (unlisted)
  11. The Max (4:49)
  12. Segue (0:47) (unlisted)
  13. Blue Light (3:07)
  14. Segue (0:31) (unlisted)
  15. Eye Wanna Melt With U (3:49)
  16. Segue (0:36) (unlisted)
  17. Sweet Baby (4:03)
  18. Segue (2:04) (unlisted)
  19. The Continental (2:24)
  20. Segue (4:20) (unlisted)
  21. Damn U (4:08)
  22. Segue (4:00) (unlisted)
  23. 7 (4:32)
  24. Epilogue (3 Chains O’ Gold) (2:37)
  25. Segue (0:48) (unlisted)
  26. The Call (unlisted) (3:01)


US: 9 38399-6

  • This feature was not released on dvd
  • Digital
This collection hasn’t been released in digital format

VHS, Laserdiscs, DVD and Other versions
Country Format Cat. Number Comments Front Back Label 1 Label 2


Variants, Special Editions and Reissues
Country Format Cat. Number Comments Front Back Label 1 Label 2




Additional Information

Promotion (at time of release) Quotation & triva



Home Videos Promotional Home Videos 1995

The Sacrifice Of Victor