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Latest Releases Archive


Joy In Repetition SOH Live download

On 9 March 2016, Tidal offered a 3:51 live version of Joy In Repetition to stream and download. The song was recorded on 20 February 2016 (show 2): Sydney Opera House, Sydney, Australia

Black Muse (Edited Version) download

On 1 February 2016, Tidal offered a 3:15 edit of Black Muse to stream and download as its Purple Pick of the Week.

Mono Neon: Ruff Enuff download

On 11 January 2016, the track Ruff Enuff by Mono Neon, featuring Prince as producer and musician, was released as Tidal’s Purple Pick of the Week and as a stand-alone download. A few hours later, it was replaced with a vocal version of the track, with vocoder vocals by Adrian Crutchfield.








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