New Girl is an American television sitcom developed by Elizabeth Meriwether that premiered on FOX on September 20, 2011. The series revolves around offbeat teacher Jessica Day (Zooey Deschanel) after her moving into an L.A. loft with three men, played by Jake Johnson (Nick), Max Greenfield (Schmidt) and Lamorne Morris (Winston); Jess’s best friend Cece (Hannah Simone) and (in season three) old-turned-new loft-mate Coach (Damon Wayans, Jr.) also appear regularly.
The series' third season premiered on 17 September 2013.
Produced in Los Angeles as a single-camera comedy, New Girl is neither performed in front of a studio audience nor has a laugh track.
With an "overwhelmingly positive" fan response to Nick and Jess’s relationship in season 2, Meriwether and the writers agreed to focus realistically on the characters' attempt at making their relationship work instead of establishing a break-up scenario for season 3 .
Prince involvement
Because writers wanted Cece (Hannah Simone) to reveal that she lost her virginity to Prince during an episode in Season 2, Meriwether contacted Prince’s management. Prince wasn’t available at that time, but apparently loved the show and said he wanted to be on it in the future.
When season 3 began shooting, Prince’s management called back, and an agreement was found to feature Prince on the "after Super Bowl" slot. In addition of his special guest appearance, Prince collaborated on the script (the idea of helping Jess through her relationship with Nick), and gave feedback on jokes. He also contributed a new song, Fallinlove2nite, which was premiered in the episode.
Brett Baer, executive producer of the series explains how Prince made contact with the production:He contacted us last season because he’s a huge fan (...) He knows everything about the show. He contacted Zooey (Deschanel) and Hannah (Simone) directly and asked to do the show. We couldn’t work it out last year. But when the Super Bowl thing was floated, it was perfect timing (...)
He said, "I want to be involved in the show in a real way and I want to help Nick and Jess with their relationship"
Two days of shooting were scheduled in December to shoot the episode. Not only Prince was scheduled to perform a new song, but also to take part in the episode plot, and interact with Nick and most specifically, Jess.
The episode, originally titled "Party time" was renamed "Prince" one week before broadcast.
The episode was broadcast on FOX immediately after their Sports' coverage of SUPER BOWL XLVIII on 2 February 2014 at 10:30-11:00 PM ET/7:30-8:00 PM PT and attracted an audience of 25.8 million viewers.