Stone Lover was the first and only single to be released by MLF (Music Love and Funk).
The exact release date of this record is unknown, but it does precede the 1979 Lewis Connection LP.
MLF is an alternate name for the band The Family led by Sonny Thompson in the 1970’s (and which is unrelated to the band produced by Prince in the 1980’s The Family). At one point, Got To Be Something Here was planned to be the B-side of this single, but the band chose to cut Stone Lover into two parts for both sides. Got To Be Something Here, which was recorded with basically the same musicians, was released under another band name, The Lewis Connection on their self-titled album around the same time.
The track marks the first time Prince appeared on a release by another artist, on a track he did not write (although earlier recordings by 94 East were released later). It also marks the first release of a collaboration between Prince and Sonny Thompson (recorded almost 13 years before Diamonds And Pearls, the next released collaboration).
Confusingly though participating musicians have made conflicting statements whether Prince played on the track or not.
In 2013, the full (unedited) version was included on the Purple Snow: Forecasting the Minneapolis Sound compilation.