TV Film: Act I

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-: TV specials TV-Specials Television Films And Specials 1992: The Ryde Dyvine
Act I

Act I title screen

Special details

Released: 18 December 1992 (USA)
Director: Randee St. Nicholas
Producers: Paisley Park
Productions Companies: Paisley Park Enterprises
Runtime: 36:39 minutes
Technical Specification(s): Country: USA
Language: English
Sound Mix: Dolby
Color: Color
Aspect Ratio: 4:3
Original Channel(s):


Prince And The New Power Generation: Act I is the first part of a two-day US TV-special broadcast by ABC on 18 December 1992. The show was produced by Paisley Park Enterprises and broadcast as part of the ABC In Concert '91 series, followed by the The Ryde Dyvine TV-special on 19 December 1992.

Act I is part documentary, part 'rock soap opera' and part video compilation. Like the 3 Chains O’ Gold home video released in 1994, it centers around the story of the album, with some footage overlapping. Between (and through) the music videos for 2 Whom It May Concern, My Name Is Prince, Love 2 The 9’s, The Morning Papers, The Continental, Damn U and 7 the story is that of Prince slowly, but surely, falling in love with ‘princess Mayte'. This narrative is also used on the album. Some slight extra parts of the story that are not in the 3 Chains O’ Gold home video are revealed in this TV-special like Prince making out with Troy Beyer in a cinema at one point (with the movie Barbarella playing) and him pushing her away in the middle of their making out because he can’t stop thinking about Mayte. The narrative is broken quite a few times throughout the special, by inserted interview segments with members of The New Power Generation explaining the story, talking about working with Prince and revealing that all the music videos combined are a 'rock soap opera'.

While specific recording dates are not known, the footage for Act I was shot in Minneapolis, Minnesota, USA in 1992, after the Diamonds And Pearls Tour. Footage of Mayte in and around Cairo, Egypt was shot by Sotera Tschetter and Randee St. Nicholas in January 1992.

Track listing
  1. 2 Whom It May Concern
  2. My Name Is Prince
  3. Love 2 The 9’s
  4. The Morning Papers
  5. Thunder
  6. The Continental
  7. Damn U
  8. 7

Cast & Crew


Crew & Credits
Produced By
Paisley Park

Randee St. Nicholas

Segment Producer
John Hopgood

Production Manager
Paige McDonald

Director Of Photography
John Mathieson

Additional Photography
Steven Kazmierski
Van Carlson
Jane Castle

Supervising Editor
Steve Purcell

Ellen Weissbrod
Bob Flood
Peter Sorcher
Jeff Olm

Re-Recording Mixers
Troy Smith
Michael Marinelli

Associate Producer
Greg Schnabel

Art Direction
Cliff Cunningham
Heather Mcelhatton
Lew Stricklen
Mark Pallatt

Peter Wiehl
Chris Malone
Tom Franchette
Dave Gillen
Milo Durben

Kasha Breuning
Tonya Thompson

Matt Quist
Johnny Hagen

Production Assistance
David Blank
Cheryl Broussard
Sean Healy
Seth Hannula
Sally Swift
Kevin Nelson
Greg Potter
Steve Noonan
M. Scott Banac
Mike Neleson
Darren Rydstrom

Production Consultants
David Haughland
Pat Epstein
Gary Auerbach
Parris Patton

Special Thanks To
Skip Jonson
Mike Krantz
Larry Sexton

Filmed on location in Minneapolis, Minnesota

Soundstage And Audio Production Facilities Provided By
Paisley Park Studios

ABC In Concert
David Saltz
Gene Fein
Michael Molloy
Eileen Casey
Michael Fairman
Kris Soumas

Making of
Shooting Schedule & Locations
Date Location Scenes
17 December 1992 Paisley Park Studios
Additional Information

Promotion (at time of release) Trivia

  • Oddly, Troy Beyer does not appear in the credits of the special.
  • Although this TV-special was titled Act I, there were no Act II other than The Ryde Dyvine broadcast the following night.
  • Act I was also the name of the American tour Prince & The NPG would do in 1993 to promote the album. It was followed by the Act II (mostly a greatest hits) tour in Europe in Summer 1993, after Prince changed his name to . An Act III tour in Japan and Australia was discussed but never materialized.

Television Films And Specials 1992
TV Film: The Ryde Dyvine