What If

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What If

Live Nation ticket holder download (no official artwork)
Song details
Performer: Prince and 3rdEyeGirl
First Released: 14 March 2015 - Live Nation email download
Album(s): None
Writer(s): Nichole Nordeman
Producer(s): Prince (assumed)
Live Appearances
First and last live appearance:
Performed regularly on tour:
  • none
Performed occasionally in shows:

What If is a cover version of the track by Nichole Nordeman, which first appeared on her 2005 album Brave. The track was written by Nichole Nordeman.

The version by Prince and 3rdEyeGirl was available as a free download, emailed by Live Nation to ticket holders for four Prince and 3rdEyeGirl concerts scheduled in Louisville, KY, USA (on 14 March 2015 and 15 March 2015) on the night of the first show (along with X’s Face). It had been premiered two days before on Louisville, KY, USA radio station 91.9 WFPK Radio Louisville.

While specific recording dates are not known, it is assumed to have been recorded in January 2013, at Paisley Park Studios in Chanhassen, Minnesota; the track was first mentioned as being rehearsed by the band in a late January 2013, Billboard interview.The title appears crossed out on an undated tracklist as twelfth and last track of a possible configuration of the Plectrumelectrum album.

Michael B. Nelson said he worked on a full orchestrated version after the song was already ’released' without it.

Recording Information
Recording Sessions
Date Studio Additional info
January 2013 (assumed) Paisley Park Studios,
Chanhassen, MN, USA (assumed)
2015 (assumed) The Brewhouse Studios,
Minneapolis, MN, USA (assumed)
Orchestra overdubs
Recording Personnel

Released Versions
Title Length Released Version Additional info
What If 4:58 Live Nation email delivery Studio Sent to ticket holders of 14 March 2015 and 15 March 2015, The Louisville Palace, Louisville, KY, USA.

Unreleased Versions
Title Version Additional Info
What If Studio with full orchestra arrangement by Michael B. Nelson
Additional Information

See also Trivia

  • Detail of the email sent by Live Nation through Ticketmaster customer support services to Louisville ticket holders:

    Subject: Thanks for buying your ticket to see Prince and 3RDEYEGIRL, here’s some new music for you

    Thanks for buying your ticket.
    As a special gift from Prince and 3RDEYEGIRL, here are two brand new tracks for your listening pleasure. Click the links to download.
    Questions? Just hit reply and ask us or visit Ticketmaster.com!
    Thanks for being a fan!

    Ticketmaster Fan Support

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