Eruption is a song by IZy Music featuring Shelby J. released as a standalone digital single in 2014. Prince’s involvement was not known at the time. Imani Pressley made brief mention of it in a Facebook memorial post on the day of Prince’s death:
- "I thank you for recreating my track "Eruption" and for you to know my name even though we have never met. I will never forget seeing you live in NC and how I almost cried seeing you perform such a historical concert."
Further details were given by Shelby J. in 2021 on a Facebook post about the track:
- "Prince heard it 1st, Luved it & he and Joshua Aaron Michael Welton put da “JUICE” on it in Studio A at Paisley Park."
In response to a question about whether Prince added post-production and/or new instrumentation, she responded "All of the Above".
No further details are known, but it’s believed that the track was recorded in 2013 at an unknown studio initially, before Shelby J. played the track for Prince at Paisley Park Studios, Chanhassen, MN, where he and Joshua Welton worked on it further. The production includes similar elements to those found on the Art Official Age album which followed later in 2014; it is possible that Prince and Joshua Welton’s contributions were recorded during these sessions, but this is speculative.