Prince Vault:Selected anniversaries/February 12
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12 February
- 1986 – Release of Minneapolis Genius by 94 East, containing some 1975-9 recordings Prince participated in as a musician
- 1991 – Overdubs on Jughead and creation of Jughead (Extended House Party Mix) (Paisley Park Studios, Chanhassen, MN, USA)
- 1991 – The Last Dance (Bang Pow Zoom And The Whole Nine) (Paisley Park Studios, Chanhassen, MN, USA)
- 2013 – Sheila E. conga overdubs on Balloon by Heroine December (written by Prince but the session had no Prince input) (studio unknown)
- 1982 – Santa Monica, CA, USA: Civic Auditorium
- 1983 –
Norfolk, VA USA Norfolk Scope(rescheduled to 8 March 1983 due to blizzard) - 1989 – Osaka: Osaka-Jo Hall
- 2004 – Hollywood, CA: KCET Studios Prince and Wendy Melvoin tape a performance of Reflection for the Tavis Smiley Show
- 1992 – Prince was named Best International Artist at the 11th Annual BRIT Awards (UK)