06 June 1995

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3 June 1995 (a.m.)   < < < Guest Appearances Overview All Shows > > >   8 June 1995 (a.m.)

 Guesting with
Carlos Santana

6 June 1995
Venue Sunrise Musical Theatre
City, Country Sunrise, Florida, USA
Guest(s) Prince (as ) (guitar)
Songs Additional Songs Remarks / Personnel

Soul Sacrifice

See here for index, code, and color legend

Show Facts
Advertised Start Time/Start time Length Of Performance Attendance/Capacity Ticket Price

? / ? 5 minutes ? / ? ?

3 June 1995 (a.m.)   < < < 6 June 1995 > > >   8 June 1995 (a.m.)
Guest Appearances (1970's)  ★  Guest Appearances (1980's)  ★  Guest Appearances (1990's)  ★  Guest Appearances (2000's)  ★  Guest Appearances (2010's)
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