19 January 2011-am

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18 January 2011   < < < Guest Appearances Overview All Shows > > >   7 February 2011

 Guesting with
Sharon Jones & The Dap-Kings

19 January 2011 (a.m.)
Venue The Darby
City, Country New York, New York, USA
Band Sharon Jones (vocals), Homer Steinweiss (drums), Hagar Ben Ari (bass), Franklin "Binky Griptite" Stribling (guitar), Joe Crispiano (guitar), Neal Sugarman (tenor sax), Cochemea Gastelum (baritone sax), David Guy (trumpet), Ramon Fernando Velez (percussion) Saundra Williams (backing vox), Starr Duncan (backing vox)
Guest(s) Prince (keyboard)
Songs Additional Songs Remarks / Personnel

The setlist of this performance is not known

See here for index, code, and color legend

Show Facts
Advertised Start Time/Start time Length Of Performance Attendance/Capacity Ticket Price

? / ? ? ? / ? ?

18 January 2011   < < < 19 January 2011 (a.m.) > > >   7 February 2011
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