This entry details an untitled album by 3rdEyeGirl, recorded in Summer 2015 as a follow-up to Plectrumelectrum. It is not known if it was planned to be released as a Prince and 3rdEyeGirl album or a ’solo' 3rdEyeGirl album. The ongoing sessions for this project became known when on 5 August 2015 a picture was tweeted from the Prince3EG account of Donna Grantis in a recording studio watching an orchestra and the following message: "DONNA WATCHING HISTORY: 3RDEYEGIRL’S SOPHMORE RELEASE…"
Two days later, on 7 August 2015, a 1:37 video titled "3RDEYEGIRL - String Session (Behind The Scenes)" was posted on 3rdEyeGirl YouTube showing the Stringenius orchestra recording the strings part of the song Rumeta (with no mention of its title in the video). The YouTube link was then posted on Twitter by Prince3EG Twitter account with the following comment:
It is not known if the album was completed, however, and the project may have been interrupted by Hannah Ford’s pregnancy and/or Prince using a new live backing band comprised Kirk Johnson, MonoNeon and Donna Grantis in the fall of 2015.