Panamaniac is a song released only as a video by Panamanian model Liza Lena (real name Liza Hernandez) featuring El Roockie.
Although specific recording dates are unknown, basic tracking likely took place in mid or late 2005 at 3121 Antelo Rd. in Los Angeles, California, USA. It has been rumored, but not confirmed, that Panamaniac was recorded in two other versions without El Roockie (one in English and one in Spanish).
Prince allegedly financed the video for the song, but the track did not receive a proper release other than that.
Prince befriended Liza Lena, and gave her this song to start a singing career. Rumors indicated that they were working on a full album for her at that time, but that was not confirmed either.
Oddly, the song was made available on streaming platforms on 22 May 2022. This release was made without official support or announcement from Liza Lena, with a sloppy artwork and under her real name (Liza Hernandez) and not her pseudonym. All of these elements, in addition to a subpar sound quality, suggest that this upload was done without Liza Lena’s consent.