Tourbook: Act II

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Act II

Tour Book details

Designer Steve Parke
Photograph Credits Kevin Mazur, Larry Brussacca, Jeff Katz
Printed in 1993
Pages 28 (uncluding 1 triple spread, fold-out page)
Dimensions 255 x 255 mm
Refers To Act II Tour


The tour book comprises photographs of Prince and the tour band members together with tour credits. Fold out pages towards the back of the book are perforated.

Prince had used a combination of the male/female symbol for several years and a variant appeared during the early 90’s. A more stylized design, introduced as the title of his 1992 album release, , and registered as a trademark, had featured on the Act I tour book cover. Before the start of the Act II tour, Prince announced on his birthday, 7 June 1993, that he had changed his name to the symbol. Unsurprisingly, the Act II tour book front cover is dominated by a gold depiction of the symbol running diagonally from top right to bottom left, with the cover and most pages then cut away around the shape of the symbol in the top right-hand corner.

Beneath the symbol is a photograph of Prince playing the blue cloud guitar. Like many of the other images throughout the book, this comes from the Act I tour performances or rehearsal photo shoots. Most of the pages have a dark blue footer strip bearing a message in white font and in one of a variety of different languages. These messages are often lyrics from songs featured on the album. In the bottom right-hand corner of each double spread is a photograph of Prince, arranged to act like a flip book so that, when the tour book pages are rapidly flicked, the image of Prince animates, showing him turning as he plays his Hohner guitar.

The inside back cover provides extensive tour credits, together with reference to Coca Cola, which organization sponsored the tour. Two further pages attached to the back cover fold out. These are perforated, so that, they can be separated into twelve cards. One side of each card typically shows an image of one or more of the tour band. The cards can be assembled to spell out The New Power Generation and Hornz. In most cases, the other side of each card bears the corresponding name and signature of the tour band member pictured on the other side. Four of the cards can be pieced together to form an image of Prince, but his signature is simply the symbol which he had taken as his new name.

The back cover has another photograph of Prince with the words, Act II and Prince and the New Power Generation in white using the same font that was used on the front of the Act I tour book cover, and which was similar to, but not the same as, that featured on the album.

Additional Information

Binding Staples (two external, one internal)
Printer Hill Shorter Limited, England

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