Yellow Gold is the fifth song on Andy Allo’s second album Superconductor (her first on NPG Records). Prince appears on unidentified instrumentation on the track.
While specific recording dates are not known, it is assumed to have been recorded in Summer 2011 - early 2012 at Paisley Park Studios in Chanhassen, Minnesota or Powerplay Studios, Maur, Switzerland.
Andy Allo explained in a interview to that she came up with the song demo, an acoustic guitar / voice workout, and that she and Prince worked on this basis, adding layers of instruments onto it and eventually transforming it into a funk number.
Some of the song’s lyrics were first posted by Andy Allo on her Facebook page on 7 January 2012, with a note saying the chorus was "written sometime in March [2011]", which would place it before she first started working with Prince; Prince’s hand appears on the image of the lyrics sheet, however.