In September 2023, a Late 1994 NPG newsletter that was in progress, but ultimately never released, was included posthumously in an auction of Gotta Have Rock And Roll. In the News section, a NPG Xmas album is announced with a release planned for Fall 1995 with the following line: "Stay tuned 4 the first NPG Xmas Album, coming Fall 95 and featuring various NPG artists." .
No further details were given. A second 1-800 NEWFUNK compilation was also announced in this News section.
Oddly, this NPG Xmas album project was mentioned in this newsletter only which was to be released at the end of 1994. Like the announced second 1-800 NEWFUNK compilation, this NPG album was never mentioned or refered to in 1995, not even on the NPG Records Sampler Experience distributed in March 1995.
The fact that "various NPG artists" are said to be featured on the album, Nona Gaye’s 1993 song Snow Man written with Prince (then ) may have been included but this is purely speculative. It is likely that this compilation was never fully compiled, and remained more of an idea than a fully executed project.