No More Candy 4 U

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No More Candy 4 U

from the album MPLSound
Song details
Performer: Prince
First Released: 24 March 2009 - MPLSound album download
Album(s): MPLSound
Writer(s): Prince
Producer(s): Prince
Live Appearances
First and last live appearance:
Performed regularly on tour:
  • none
Performed occasionally in shows:

No More Candy 4 U is the ninth and final track on Prince’s 34th studio album MPLSound.

Recording dates and studio are unknown, but it is likely that the track was recorded in 2008 at either Paisley Park Studios in Chanhassen, Minnesota or 77 Beverly Park Ln. in Beverly Hills, California. While the other songs on the album are all mentioned in a rap on the previous track Ol' Skool Company, No More Candy 4 U was not. The song was actually pulled from the vault when Prince was compiling the MPLSound album in early 2009.

Recording Information
Recording Sessions
Date Studio Additional info
2008 (assumed) Paisley Park Studios,
Chanhassen, MN, USA
77 Beverly Park Ln.,
Beverly Hills, CA, USA (unconfirmed)
Recording Personnel
  • Prince - all vocals and instruments

Released Versions
Title Length Released Version Additional info
No More Candy 4 U 4:14 MPLSound Studio
Broadcasts/streaming (only)
Title Length Released Version Additional info
No More Candy 4 U ?:?? Live performance TV broadcast Live 14 October 2009, Le Grand Journal, Studios Rive Gauche, Paris, France

Additional Information

See also Trivia

  • The first verse of No More Candy 4 U can be seen as a response to Madonna’s both album Hard Candy released in late April 2008 (and features a musical contribution by Wendy Melvoin) and her song Music released in 2000. (Music contains the lines "Music makes the people come together / Music makes the bourgeoisie and the rebel" while the first verse of No More Candy 4 U contains the lines "To all the punks who believe that life imitates music / No more candy for you / We can’t hang with you") but this is purely speculative.

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