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U’re Such A Tease   < < < Non-Prince Songs All Prince Songs Unreleased Songs > > >   Vagina

from the album GCS 2000
Song details
Performer: Graham Central Station
First Released: 2 February 1999 - GCS 2000 album
Album(s): GCS 2000
Writer(s): Prince (as ) and Larry Graham
Producer(s): Larry Graham and Prince (as )
Live Appearances
First and last live appearance:
Performed regularly on tour:
  • none
Performed occasionally in shows:

Utopia is the ninth track (seventh song) on Graham Central Station’s eighth studio album GCS 2000. The song was written and produced by Larry Graham and Prince (as ), who also appears as a musician.

While specific recording dates are not known, basic tracking took place between November 1997, and January 1998, at Paisley Park Studios in Chanhassen, Minnesota. The song contains a looped and distorted sample of the scream from the opening of Gett Off, and also contains a synth motif later used in The War.

Recording Information
Recording Sessions
Date Studio Additional info
November 1997 - January 1998 Paisley Park Studios,
Chanhassen, MN, USA
Recording Personnel

Released Versions
Title Length Released Version Additional info
Utopia 3:47 GCS 2000 Studio

Sampled, Referred to, Quoted in...
Title Length Released Version Additional info
The War 26:00 The War single Live Contains a synth motif from Utopia
Additional Information

See also Trivia

U’re Such A Tease   < < < All Songs Unreleased Songs > > >   Vagina