Galpin Blvd Home Studio

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Galpin Blvd Home Studio

Overview & History

The Galpin Blvd Home Studio was the studio in the Galpin Blvd home where Prince moved in late November 1985. The yellow three-story mansion-style house was situated at 7141 Galpin Blvd, Chanhassen, Minnesota, on a 30-acre piece of land, with a security house at the entrance of the driveway leading up to the secluded house.

The first recordings in the new home studio weren’t done until mid-March 1986. From December and throughout most of the first three months on 1986, Prince spend most his time in Los Angeles and recorded at Sunset Sound in Hollywood, California. While Prince remained living there until the early 2000’s, studio equipment was moved from the homestudio to Paisley Park Studio B, when it was finished in 1987.


The studio in the Galpin Blvd home was situated on the ground floor of the house and had stained glass windows. An acoustic purple piano on the second floor in the living room, was wired down to the studio, much like as in the previous home studio. But the recording area of the studio itself was now big enough to set-up drums or piano (although not at the same time) and do band recordings.

The control room was state of the art and now had a 24-track recording unit. The Ballad Of Dorothy Parker was the first song Prince recorded there, a few days later followed by the first band recording: Power Fantastic

Material Produced



The following albums have been recorded at the Galpin Blvd Home Studio in whole or part. Check album pages for details.


Associated Artists:


The following songs have been recorded at Galpin Blvd Home Studio:


  • The Galpin Blvd house was razed in 2005. Prince maintained to be owning the land until his death, though.
