Love And Sex is a song recorded on 27 February 1984 at Sunset Sound in Hollywood, California (on the same day as overdubs on Traffic Jam, two days before When Doves Cry). Engineer Peggy McCreary noted that Prince wanted a Yamaha DX-7 synth, which she had to purchase for use in the song; he used the DX-7 for many later recordings. It is unknown if this song was intended for any project at the time.
Prince later reused the title for an otherwise-unrelated 1986 recording; see Love And Sex for details of that track.
During Prince: A Celebration in June 2000, computer screens at Paisley Park Studios offered names of a selection of tracks which users could vote on for inclusion on Crystal Ball Volume II, and while Love And Sex was chosen by fans, the project was ultimately abandoned. It is unclear if this concerned the 1984 or 1986 song.
In 2017 Love And Sex was released as the second track on the From The Vault & Previously Unreleased disc of a Deluxe release of Purple Rain. While a solo recording, it is listed here as a Prince and the Revolution track as it was released as a bonus track on the Purple Rain Deluxe Edition and Deluxe Expanded Edition album, which is credited to Prince and the Revolution.