"The Kid" (Prince) is a troubled Minneapolis musician. He and his band, The Revolution are one of three acts playing at a local nightclub, the First Avenue. The other acts are The Time, a funk band, lead by Morris Day and The Modernaires, a new wave band, lead by Dez Dickerson.
Aspiring singer Apollonia, comes to town to try her luck hoping to get hired as singer at the First Avenue. Both "The Kid" and Morris Day are attracted to her and vie for her attention. While a romance starts to develop between "The Kid" and Apollonia, she accepts a position in Morris Day’s new all female group, Apollonia 6, to the obvious dismay of "The Kid".
Having recruited Apollonia, Morris Day convinces nightclub owner Billy Sparks, to give a slot to his new protege band. They make a deal to evict The Revolution from the nightly program if the girl group is commercial and appealing enough.
Meanwhile, tensions appear in The Revolution due to growing frustration of guitarist Wendy and keyboardist Lisa about "The Kid" rejecting their compositions. The dispute revolves around an instrumental demo, dubbed "Slow Groove", which they pass on to Jill, a waitress at First Avenue who has a crush on "The Kid", in hope that he will listen if that comes through her.
One night when "The Kid" comes home, he finds out his mother had been beaten again and confronts his father. After his father warns him to never get married "The Kid" gets back to the club to face more internal band strife and pressure. Following an edgy performance of "Computer Blue", Billy Sparks warns him that his slot at the club is in jeopardy, and that he might lose it if he follows the same unsuccessful path that ruined his father’s career as a musician.
The night after, Apollonia 6 successfully opens at The Taste, another nightclub in town. While Morris Day and Apollonia, celebrate their success in a side street, "The Kid" hits Morris with his motorcycle and takes away Apollonia. Subsequently she breaks up with him when he fails to refrain from being violent.
When "The Kid" returns home, the situation has escalated to a dramatic level. His father shoots himself in the head. After a night of torment and despair, "The Kid" wakes up in a new spirit and decides to give the instrumental "Slow Groove" by the girls in his band another try.
The following night at the club "The Kid" announces the band will play a new song by Wendy & Lisa and performs Purple Rain while the audience almost religiously listen. As the Kid exits the stage, convinced that he blew the gig, he realizes the crowd is cheering and calling him back for an encore. On his way back to the stage, Apollonia waits for him in tears.
The film ends with a series of scenes interspersed with the concert performance showing how the story happily ends. Now at peace, "The Kid" sorts out the destroyed home basement, helped by Apollonia and visits his father at the hospital.
Shooting Schedule & Locations
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1 Nov. 1983
Day #1
Henderson, MN, USA State 19 - Le Sueur #34
EXT. Woods & Stream (D), EXT. Country Road & Highway (D), EXT Road (D) Stop by stream; Dialogue; Hikers walk by; Prince Gives Apollonia flower; Prince & Apollonia ride along, stop, continue; Prince & Apollonia ride along; Run-by (shoot from insert car)
Scenes 57-59, A60
2 Nov. 1983
Day #2
Henderson, MN, USA Minnesota River; State 19 - Scott County #51
EXT. Road, Riverside (Lakeside) & Log (Day/Dusk) Ride along dirt road; Turn down path to river (lake); Return: Apollonia picket-up by man in truck after jump into water; Prince cons Apollonia into jumping into water; He rides away (later partly re-shot in Los Angeles); She’s furious (later partly re-shot in Los Angeles); Apollonia jumps into water.
Scenes 28, 29
3 Nov. 1983
Day #3
Eagan, MN, USA Township
INT. Barn (D) , EXT. Glane & Barn (D), EXT. Path (D), EXT. Highway over bridge and road line (N) Prince and Apollonia make love in barn; They ride up and enter barn; Bike POV along rainy path; Prince & Apollonia roar across bridge; Camera sees painted highway lines as it moves.
Scenes 60-62, 97
4 Nov. 1983
Day #4
Minneapolis, MN, USA Behind Wyman’s (1st & 2nd Avenue, between 4th & 5th Street)
EXT. Rear alley, behind Taste (N) Apollonia & Morris ego-ed out; Prince kicks him into trash; Apollonia tries to escape; Prince rides off with her.
Scene 96
5 Nov. 1983
Day #5
Minneapolis, MN, USA Marquette Avenue, between 1st and Washington Avenue
INT. Morris car, EXT. POV Apt. Building. (N) Morris, Jerome & Apollonia, drive & talk; Apollonia points out building; They arrive at her building.
Scene 52
6 Nov. 1983
Day Off
7 Nov. 1983
Day #6
Minneapolis, MN, USA Cedar Lake Yard (Burlington-Northern)
EXT. Train & Motorcycle (Loc #1) (Dusk) Prince races train.
Scene 77 PT.
8 Nov. 1983
Day #7
Coon Rapids, MN, USA Foley Road & East River Road (Burlington-Northern)
EXT. Train & Motorcycle (Loc #2)(Dusk) Prince races train; Crosses in front of it & stop; Train roars by.
Scene 77 PT.
9 Nov. 1983
Day #8
Minneapolis, MN, USA Hennepin Avenue, between N 7th & N 8th Street; Hennepin & N 5th Street; Lake St. & Hennepin Avenue
EXT. Alley (Prince’s) (D), EXT. Downtown Streets (D), EXT. Street & Allez (Prince’s) (N), EXT. Streets (POV’s & Run-bys) (N). Apollonia watches Morris Cadillac go away, turns & enter motel; <-- Prince stops bike and check his (drunk) mom in the street -->; Apollonia gets out of cab, rush into dark alley, count her cash; Morris Cadillac blazes by in the night; Jerome drives, Morris and Apollonia sit in backseat.
Scenes 54 PT, 78 PT, 9, 1 PT, 51, 52 PT
10 Nov. 1983
Day #9
Minneapolis, MN, USA 7th Street & 1st Avenue; 7th Street between 1st & Hennepin Avenue
EXT. Downtown Street & Alley (D), EXT. Alley #1 (D), EXT. Alley #2 (N) Morris & Jerome walk & talk; Need something different in the act; Babe hits on Morris; Throw her into dumpster; Crosses street & goes to car. Prince rides down alley (to his place); Apollonia awaits Prince; He says they gotta go; Ride away.
Scenes 25, 78 PT, 41
11 Nov. 1983
Day #10
Minneapolis, MN, USA 6 1/2 Glenwood Avenue (Between 1st Avenue & 9th Street)
EXT. Apollonia Apt / INT. Morris car. (D), EXT. Apollonia’s Motel & Streets (D), EXT. Apollonia Street & Cars (D) Morris & Jerome arrive at Apollonia’s Apt; Gets camisole, Morris car drives off as Prince observes from across street. Prince drops Apollonia & splits; She sees carnation & enters building. Apollonia’s POV. Talk with Morris out window. Apollonia steps outside; Morris is awe struck.
Scenes 53, 54 PT, 63, 66, 67 PT
12 Nov. 1983
Day #11
Minneapolis, MN, USA IDS mall; Marquette Hotel, Marquette Avenue (Between 7th & 8th Street)
INT. Shop Window’s (D); EXT. Hotel & Street (N) Apollonia looks at bridal gown in store window; Prince engages conversation asking for boot jewel; Goes away with jewel; Stops by music store looking at guitar; Gives back jewel and off they go.
Scenes 27, 3, 6
13 Nov. 1983
Day Off
14 Nov. 1983 15 Nov. 1983
Day #12 Day #13
Minneapolis, MN, USA Cedar Lake Yard (Chicago North Western)
INT. Rehearsal Hall (D) The Time rehearses, Morris fed up.; Morris Tells Apollonia they need her; Prince wants Apollonia to leave; Scuffle with boys and Jellybean; Prince leaves, furious; Prince rides up and enters.
Scenes 24, 69, 76, A76
16 Nov. 1983
Day #14
Minneapolis, MN, USA 6 1/2 Glenwood Avenue & 121 W 15th Street at Spruce
INT. Apollonia’s Stairs & Hallway (D), INT. Apollonia’s Hallway & Room (D), EXT. Morris' Apt & Street (N) Apollonia follows trail of carnations; Apollonia opens & closes door. Prince knocks, dialogue, they split; Morris exits apartment, gets in car and drives away.
Scenes 64, 55, 55A, 10
17 Nov. 1983
Day #15
Minneapolis, MN, USA 3420 Snelling Avenue (between 34th & 35th Street)
EXT. Prince’s House (front) (N), EXT. Prince’s House (side & front) (N), EXT. Prince’s House (N) Prince & Apollonia ride past house; Morris & Jerome awaits Apollonia, get in car, Drive away; Prince rides up, hears Mom & Dad, enters house; Prince roars up and enter house; Prince roars up, parks & enters house.
Scenes 42 PT, 50 20, 79, 99
18 Nov. 1983
Day #16
Minneapolis, MN, USA 3420 Snelling Avenue
EXT. Prince’s House & Street (N), EXT. Prince’s House (side) (N), EXT. Prince’s House (rear) (N), EXT. Prince’s House (front) (N) Car & onlookers at Prince’s house, neighbors watch (Flashlights, Cops cars x4); Apollonia comes through fence & enters basement window; Prince & Apollonia go up rear alley; Through back fence; Watch mom & Dad through window; Enter coal chute; Prince & Apollonia into alley.
Scenes 102, 71, 42, 44, 46, 42 PT
19 Nov. 1983
Day #17
Minneapolis, MN, USA 3rd Avenue (between Washington & N 5th street)
EXT. Road & Bike (N), EXT. Embankment & Street (N) Prince & Apollonia whipping down the highway; Prince & Apollonia streak down road, stop bike & gets off, have argument, fight and split.
Scenes 97, 98
20 Nov. 1983
Day Off
21 Nov. 1983 22 Nov. 1983
Day #18 Day #19
6472 Flying Cloud Drive, Eden Prairie, MN, USA Warehouse
INT. Morris' Bedroom (N), INT. Morris' Bathroom (N), INT. Basement Bedroom (N), INT. Basement Hall & Bedroom (N), INT. Prince’s Bedroom (N)
Scenes 7, 4, 1 PT, 5, 22, 47, 48, 49 & 72
23 Nov. 1983
Day #20
6472 Flying Cloud Drive, Eden Prairie, MN, USA Warehouse
INT. Prince’s Bedroom & Antechamber (N)
Scene 70
24 Nov. 1983
Day Off
25 Nov. 1983 26 Nov. 1983
Day #21 Day #22
6472 Flying Cloud Drive, Eden Prairie, MN, USA Warehouse
INT. Prince’s Bedroom & Antechamber (N), INT. Prince’s Living Room (N), INT. Prince’s House (N), INT. Basement (N/D), INT. Prince’s Bedroom (N), INT. Basement (Dawn)
Scenes 81, 21, 43, 45, 80, 100, 101, 103, 104, 105, 117, 118, 119, 121, 123
27 Nov. 1983
Day Off
28 Nov. 1983 29 Nov. 1983
Day #23 Day #24
Union Bar 507 E. Hennepin Avenue, Minneapolis, MN, USA
INT. The Taste (N), INT. The taste Stairs (N)
Scenes 93, 90, 92, 95, 91, 94
30 Nov. 1983
Day #25
First Avenue Club 29 N. 7th Street, Minneapolis, MN, USA
INT. Club (D), EXT. Club & Street (D)
Scenes 74, 75
1 Dec. 1983
Day #26
Minneapolis, MN, USA Glenwood St. across from 1st Avenue Club
First Avenue Club 29 N. 7th Street, Minneapolis, MN, USA
INT. Apollonia’s Room (N), EXT. Club (Apollonia POV) (N), EXT. Apollonia’s Window (N)
EXT. Club (N), INT. Club Foyer (N), EXT. Club & Street (N), INT. Club - Money Window (N), EXT./INT. Morris' Car (N), EXT. Street/Int. Club Foyer (N), EXT. Alley #1, Club & Street (N)
Scenes 12 PT, 14, 13, 12 PT
Scenes 15, 17, 18B 19, 31, 83, 85, 8 PT
2 Dec. 1983 3 Dec. 1983
Day #27 Day #28
First Avenue Club 29 N. 7th Street, Minneapolis, MN, USA
INT. Dressing Room (N), INT. Dressing Room & Backstage (N)
Scenes 11, 33, 36, 37, 39, 40, 88
4 Dec. 1983
Day Off
5 Dec. 1983 6 Dec. 1983
Day #29 Day #30
First Avenue Club 29 N. 7th Street, Minneapolis, MN, USA
INT. Dressing Room (N), INT. Rear of Club (N), INT. backstage Area (N), INT. Hallway (N)
Scenes 107, 110, 8 PT, 18 PT, 34, 87, 112, 113, 114
7 Dec. 1983 to 16 Dec. 1983
Day #31 to Day #39
First Avenue Club 29 N. 7th Street, Minneapolis, MN, USA
INT. Club (N & D)
Scenes 1 PT, 2, 16, 18 PT, 32, 18A, 23, 30, 38, 68, 73, 82, 84, 86, 106, 108, 111, 109, 115, 116, 120, 122, 124, 35
January 1984.
Wiltern Theatre Box office 3790 Wilshire Blvd.
EXT. Outside of ‘First Avenue Club’ Morris pulls up in yellow Cadillac
January 1984.
Sanford, Los Angeles, CA, USA Corner of Western Ave. and Wilshire Blvd.
EXT. Outside of ‘First Avenue Club’ Prince drives motorcycle down corner of 'First Avenue Club.'
January 1984.
Huntington Hotel, Downtown Los Angeles, CA, USA 752 S. Main St.
EXT. Huntington Hotel exterior Morris & Jerome with cassette in yellow Cadillac
January 1984.
Downtown Los Angeles, CA Main St. towards E 7th St.
EXT. Street Morris & Billy walking down the street; Prince & Apollonia riding down street on motorbike; Prince rides home alone on motorbike
January 1984.
Downtown Los Angeles, CA, USA W. 7th St. and S. Spring St. into alley @ 215 7th St.
EXT. Street Prince with bike on corner, rides off into alley
January 1984.
Koreatown, Los Angeles, CA, USA 738 S. Mariposa Ave.
EXT. Street Outside of Morris’ apartment
January 1984.
Beverly Hills, CA, USA Franklin Canyon Reservoir @ Franklin Canyon Dr. and Blinderman Trail
EXT. ‘Not Lake Minnetonka’ Apollonia coming out the water of ‘not Lake Minnetonka’; Prince teasing Apollonia not to get on bike; Prince riding off
January 1984.
Alison Village, Los Angeles, CA, USA Crossing underneath 101 Freeway, towards Cesar Chavez bridge
EXT. Street Prince rides motor under overpass, west of LA
January 1984.
Alison Village, Los Angeles, CA, USA Down East Cesar E. Chavez Ave towards N. Vignes St. & around corner & under Bridge towards Bauchet St.
EXT. Street Prince rides motorcycle (night), meets with Apollonia
January 1984.
Koreatown, Los Angeles, CA, USA 919 Irolo St.
EXT. In front of Prince’s house Prince’s mom sitting on the curb
January 1984.
Downtown Los Angeles, CA, USA 656 S. Main St.
EXT. 'The Taste' Club