Seven Corners is an unreleased track by Ingrid Chavez recorded in Summer 1989 at Paisley Park Studios in Chanhassen, Minnesota (during the same set of sessions as Bliss, Mind Bells, Sex and Heaven Must Be Near). The track is a spoken poem with a backdrop of piano, synths and a bass drum (sounding like a beating heart).
Although the song is listed in the end credits of the Graffiti Bridge movie, only some of its lyrics, spoken by Ingrid Chavez, can be heard over a different backing music as a part of the score. The lyrics effectively sum up the story of the movie - "Seven Corners, two souls fight. One wants money, one wants light. Without peace, without love, nothing’s ever gonna turn out right. A child with a spirit neither one can ignore, here to show them heaven’s door. Love always wins in the end."
The track was not included on any known configuration of the Graffiti Bridge album and remains unreleased.