Plectrumelectrum is a Prince and 3rdEyeGirl video initially streamed partially (2:30 only) on 13 March, 2013 on director and photograph Madison Dube’s Vimeo account and introduced as an Extremely short film. The full Short film (4:56 long) was streamed during the Yahoo! Live album release party for Art Official Age and Plectrumelectrum on 30 September 2014 (and again on Tidal on 7 September 2015).
The Extremely short film version starts with the statement "Eye dunno if u're ready" (the announcement for the Live Out Loud Tour was made a few days later) and contains only the second part of the song with a focus on Prince’s guitar solo.
It is assumed that this video was recorded in March 2013 (or possibly earlier judging by Prince's haircut).The full version mentions that it was recorded at Paisley Park Studios (Studio C), Chanhassen, Minnesota. Although the Extremely short film version is attributed to 3rdEyeGirl only, the song became the title track of Prince and 3rdEyeGirl’s album Plectrumelectrum (released the following year).
Plectrumelectrum is a one-of-a-kind video for Prince as it captures, as a single-take footage, the original recording in the studio of a song included in the same version on an album.