Yes (originally titled Lisa) is the fourth track (the first of two instrumentals) on The Family’s first and only album The Family, and, a month before the album’s release, it was included as the b-side of The Screams Of Passion, the album’s first single. The song was written by Prince and Eric Leeds, but credited to Jellybean Johnson and Jerome Benton.
Basic tracking, as Lisa (entirely unrelated to the 1980 unreleased track Lisa but also most likely named after Lisa Coleman), took place on 5 August 1984 at the Flying Cloud Drive Warehouse in Eden Prairie, Minnesota. On the same day as River Run Dry. Eric Leeds and Wendy Melvoin added saxophone and guitar, respectively on 9 October 1984, at the Flying Cloud Drive Warehouse in Eden Prairie, Minnesota (on the same day Prince was recording Condition Of The Heart at Sunset Sound in Hollywood, California). It is likely the track’s name was changed when considered for the album, but this is unverified. Despite their identical title, The Family’s Yes has nothing to do with the song recorded in 2010.
Released Versions
Unreleased Versions
Additional Info
Original version before saxophone overdubs
Full-length recording after saxophone overdubs, edited for release