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200 Balloons   < < < Non-Prince Songs All Prince Songs Unreleased Songs > > >   1000 X’s & O’s

from the album The Gold Experience
Song details
First Released: 26 September 1995 - The Gold Experience album
Album(s): The Gold Experience

The Versace Experience (Prelude 2 Gold)

Writer(s): Prince (as )
Producer(s): Prince (as ), Ricky Peterson (co-producer)
Live Appearances
First and last live appearance:
Performed regularly on tour:
Performed occasionally in shows:

319 is the twelfth track (eighth song) on Prince’s 17th album The Gold Experience, the first album to be credited to . The song was also featured in the 1995 Paul Verhoeven movie Showgirls.

Basic tracking took place on 25 October 1993 at Paisley Park Studios in Chanhassen, Minnesota (the same day as Strawberries, the day before the release of Tevin Campbell’s album I’m Ready). Horn overdubs were recorded in late October 1993, also at Paisley Park Studios (during the same set of sessions as horn overdubs on Now). The initial take of 319 was a full band recording. Prince later reworked the song by himself in the studio and used samples from the original version. The initial version remains unreleased.

The track was included as the ninth track on an album configured in 1994 (unnamed, but considered to be an early configuration of The Gold Experience). It was included as the twelfth track (seventh song) on March 1994, and May 1994, configurations of The Gold Experience, before being included as the eighth song on a later 1994 configuration. The 13 October 1994, configuration included 319 as the 15th track (ninth song), before the track Days Of Wild was removed from the album for release.

The track begins directly from the previous NPG Operator segue, which includes a staged phone call to a hotel asking for room 319. The NPG Operator segue was originally only the "NPG Operator" segment, with the phone call included in the track 319, which would then have had a track time of 3:19. it was released as such on the Pussy Control promo single.

Prince has said that the track was inspired by American actress Elizabeth Berkley, who starred in the movie Showgirls.

Recording Information
Recording Sessions
Date Studio Additional info
25 October 1993 Paisley Park Studios,
Chanhassen, MN, USA
Late October 1993 Paisley Park Studios,
Chanhassen, MN, USA
Horn overdubs
Late October 1993 (assumed) Paisley Park Studios,
Chanhassen, MN, USA
Studio re-working
Recording Personnel

Released Versions
Title Length Released Version Additional info
319 3:05 The Gold Experience Studio
319 3:19 Pussy Control promo Studio version including preceding segue
319 (X-cerpt) 1:28 The Versace Experience (Prelude 2 Gold) Edit
Broadcasts/streaming (only)
Title Length Released Version Additional info
319 ?:?? Live awards TV performance Lip-synch 30 January 1995, 22nd annual American Music Awards, Shrine Auditorium, Los Angeles, CA, USA; as part of lip-synched medley of Billy Jack Bitch / Hate U / 319
Sampled, Referred to, Quoted in...
Title Length Released Version Additional info
NPG Operator [#4] 0:31 The Gold Experience Segue Sets up 319 with staged phone call
Unreleased Versions
Title Version Additional Info
319 Studio Original Full band recording
Additional Information

See also Trivia

200 Balloons   < < < All Songs Unreleased Songs > > >   1000 X’s & O’s