Single: Love 2 The 9’s

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1993: Link=Single: Sweet Baby Sweet Baby Unreleased Singles
Unreleased Singles
(Related Artists)
1993: Link=Single: Papa EP Papa EP
Love 2 The 9’s

Single details

Intended Release Date: Early 1993
Related album:
Label(s): Paisley Park Records / Warner Bros.

See also

The Morning Papers


Love 2 The 9’s is an unreleased single planned for release in early 1993, following the release of Damn U, the fourth single from Prince’s 14th album (the test pressing was dated 24 February 1993). The single was to include an edit of Love 2 The 9’s, with The Morning Papers as the b-side. The a-side had not previously been released in this form.

The single was not released, however, and, curiously, The Morning Papers was released as a single less than two weeks later, with the album version of Love 2 The 9’s included on some versions of the single.

Track listing

A. Love 2 The 9’s (Edit)
B. The Morning Papers

  • See individual tracks and related albums for credits.
Additional Information


Sweet Baby
Unreleased Singles
Unreleased Singles
(Related Artists)
Papa EP