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Lotuflow3r Website

Art credit: ©2009 Anthony Malzone

Lotusflow3r details

Activity 24 March 2009 - 23 March 2010
Website: lotusflow3r.com
Aliases: None
Social network: None
Domain name: LOTUSFLOW3R.COM
Validity: Creation Date: 31 Dec. 2008
Expiration Date: 31 Dec. 2013
Renewed on: 15 Nov. 2011
Hosted by: tbc

Lotusflow3r.com was officially launched on March 24, 2009, at 7:07 p.m. PST, to replace 3121.com and to promote the triple release Lotusflow3r/MPLSound/Elixer in March 2009. Its access was limited to subscribers for a $77.00 admission fee. The website environment was that of a galaxy, featuring several "planets".

The website came as a main page referred as "the bomb", forecasting an environment of rocks, on which a television, newspapers, a ticket stub and a stereo were set. Newcomers had to search for clues of the passwords to be entered in the ticket stub before they could subscribe to the site. Returning customers had to click on the same stub to twirl it into login mode and get access to the site’s content. Once access was granted, the site loaded a heavy flash file that took the visitor to an overall view of the galaxy before a focus was made on the center item: Lotusflow3r.


The following content was released through the website.


Lotusflow3r came in the shape of a futuristic scene featuring a smoke surrounded sphere crowned by lotus flower petals. The sphere was topped by flame effects evolving around a needle, or ray of light that loosened itself in the purple skies. It floated on a river/lake that meandered into a fall. On the left side were 2 pyramids, on the right 2 large rocks. In the far distance skyscrapers, backed by spaceships taking off were seen.

  • Music

The initial section opened by a click on the skyscrapers. It featured 3 new sections:
- Listen: played the Lotusflow3r album, and enabled to download either a wav or a MP3 version of it.
- Look: featured 4 different artwork pictures.
- Lyrics: provided credits and lyrics for the album.

  • Video

The section opened by a click on the pyramids. It featured Crimson And Clover video.

  • Main Sphere

This section contained most of the videos broadcast on the site. Access to its content was gained clicking on Prince’s face. A sphere with the ability to spin in all directions appeared. Thumbnail images of content were displayed in lines all around the globe. When a thumbnail image was clicked, a 16:9 screen appeared and played the selected video. The main sphere section forecast un-aired live footage, home videos, selected single videos and pictures.


MPLSound was located on the right of Lotusflow3r. It pictured a river flowing between two rocks on which 3 CD disc stood surrounded by clouds and a big flower (on the left). Floating in the air were two jellyfish, a pink one on the right and a blue one on the upper left next to a goldfish. 7 doves as well as a swan with a 1/4" TRS mono jack plug instead of a head completed the scene.
Access to the planet content was gained by clicking on the swan, that would fly to the next rock and plugged into a socket. Then both CDs made way for a sonic blue Fender Stratocaster guitar that played when the mouse was moved over its fretboard. It was backed by skyscrapers (one having the form of a synthesizer) in between which a zeppelin cruised, while the purple skies featured flashes of lightening. On the right rock, an 8-track mixing board was placed, while another synthesizer resided in the river.

  • Music

The section opened by a click on the guitar. It featured 3 sections:
- Listen: played the MPLSound album, and enabled to download either a wav or a MP3 version of it.
- Look: featured 5 different artwork pictures.
- Lyrics: provided credits and lyrics for the album.

  • Video

The section opened by a click on the zeppelin. It featured Chocolate Box video.


Elixer was located on the left of Lotusflow3r. It pictured grass land on which Bria Valente was seen en profile, eyes closed and kneeling at the extreme right. The center of the planet featured a blue sphere between two rocks, in front of which were two speakers. On the left rock was a start button with the name Bria on top of it. In the background several skyscrapers were seen. In the purple skies, a stylized crescent moon held by a tiny cable.
Access to the planet content was gained by clicking on the start button which opened the listening section.

  • Music

The section opened by a click on the start button. It featured three sections:
- Listen: played the Elixer album, and enabled members to download either a wav or a MP3 version of it.
- Look: featured 6 different artwork pictures.
- Lyrics: provided credit and lyrics for the album.

  • Video

The section opened by a click on the crescent moon. It featured the Everytime video.

Member Profile

Personal member profile information was available by clicking on a small purple symbol on the upper left of the page. It originally contained five folders: News, FAQ, Tickets, My account and Payment Information. In February 2010, the "Tickets" section was replaced with a "Music" section.

  • News
  • FAQ
  • Tickets
  • Music

The following tracks were made available in the music section:

Type Date Location, Venue Song Format Duration Add. Information Release date
Song - - Cause And Effect MP3 @ 256k 05:02 aired Feb. 26th 2010 26 February 2010
Radio Live Show 2009-10-12 Paris, RTL Feel Better, Feel Good, Feel Wonderful MP3 @ 320k 02:51 aired Oct. 16th 2009 17 October 2009
Radio Live Show 2009-10-12 Paris, RTL Mountains / Shake Your Body MP3 @ 320k 04:17 aired Oct. 16th 2009 17 October 2009
Rehearsal 2009-09-21 Chanhassen, Paisley Park Why You Wanna Treat Me So Bad? MP3 @ 320k 03:44 - tbc
  • My Account
  • Payment Information


The below chart lists the whole material released through the website, sorted by type.

Click on the "hide" link on the right to hide content.
Year Located in Format Album name File name Weight Duration Release date
2009 Lotusflow3r Wave Lotusflow3r Lotusflow3r_LOtUSFLOW3R_wav.zip 456 Mb 46:54 Mar. 24 2009
2009 Lotusflow3r MP3 @ 320k Lotusflow3r LotusFlow3r.zip 100 Mb 46:54 Mar. 24 2009
2009 MPLSound Wave MPLSound Mplsound_MPLSOUND_wav.zip 456 Mb 47:44 Mar. 24 2009
2009 MPLSound* MP3 @ 320k MPLSound Mplsound.zip 101 Mb 47:44 Mar. 24 2009
2009 Elixer Wave Elixer Elixer_wav.zip 428,1 Mb 44:28 Mar. 24 2009
2009 Elixer MP3 @ 320k Elixer Elixer.zip 94,1 Mb 44:28 Mar. 24 2009
Year Located in Format Single name File name Weight Duration Release date
2010 Profile MP3 @ 256 Cause And Effect Cause_and_Effect.mp3 9,2 Mb 05:02 26 Feb. 2010
Date Located in Format Song(s) File name Weight Duration Release date
1979 Main Sphere Flash Video I Wanna Be Your Lover I Wanna Be Your Lover.flv 40 Mb 02:51 24 Mar. 2009
1979 Main Sphere Flash Video I Wanna Be Your Lover I Wanna Be Your Lover.f4v 23,9 Mb 02:51 tbc
1980 Main Sphere Flash Video Uptown Uptown.f4v 31,2 Mb 03:43 tbc
1980 Main Sphere Flash Video Dirty Mind Dirty Mind.f4v 34,3 Mb 04:06 tbc
1981 Main Sphere Flash Video Controversy Controversy.flv 50,2 Mb 03:35 24 Mar. 2009
1981 Main Sphere Flash Video Controversy Controversy.f4v 30 Mb 03:35 tbc
1982 Main Sphere Flash Video Little Red Corvette Little Red Corvette.flv 43,8 Mb 03:08 24 Mar. 2009
1982 Main Sphere Flash Video Little Red Corvette Little Red Corvette.f4v 26,1 Mb 03:08 tbc
1984 Main Sphere Flash Video I Would Die 4 U I Would Die For You.flv 63,7 Mb 04:33 24 Mar. 2009
1984 Main Sphere Flash Video I Would Die 4 U I Would Die 4 U.f4v 37,8 Mb 04:33 tbc
1985 Main Sphere Flash Video Raspberry Beret RaspberryBeret.f4v 35,7 Mb 04:17 tbc
1986 Main Sphere Flash Video Kiss Kiss.f4v 32,3 Mb 03:52 tbc
1987 Main Sphere Flash Video Sign O’ The Times Sign O The Times.flv 48,4 Mb 03:42 tbc
1988 Main Sphere Flash Video Alphabet St. Alphabet Street.flv 34 Mb 02:25 tbc
1988 Main Sphere Flash Video Alphabet St. AlphabetStreet.f4v 20,3 Mb 02:25 tbc
1991 Main Sphere Flash Video Cream Cream.f4v 41,1 Mb 06:01 tbc
1991 Main Sphere Flash Video Diamonds And Pearls Diamonds and Pearls.flv 67,8 Mb 04:51 tbc
1991 Main Sphere Flash Video Diamonds And Pearls Diamonds and Pearls.f4v 40,6 Mb 04:51 tbc
1992 Main Sphere Flash Video 7 Seven.f4v 43,2 Mb 05:10 tbc
2006 Main Sphere Flash Video Te Amo Corazón TeAmoCorazon.f4v 40,4 Mb 03:42 tbc
2006 Main Sphere Flash Video Te Amo Corazón TeAmoCorazon.f4v 31,5 Mb 03:42 tbc
2007 Main Sphere Flash Video Somewhere Here On Earth SomewhereHereOnEarth.f4v 49 Mb 05:54 tbc
2007 Main Sphere Flash Video Somewhere Here On Earth / Te Amo Corazón SomewhereHere.flv 77 Mb 05:53 tbc
2008 Main Sphere Flash Video The One U Wanna C The1UWannaC.flv 51,1 Mb 03:53 tbc
2008 Main Sphere Flash Video The One U Wanna C The1UWannaC.f4v 30,5 Mb 03:53 tbc
2009 Lotusflow3r Flash Video Crimson And Clover Prince_CnC.flv 35,1 Mb 03:52 24 Mar. 2009
2009 MPLSound Flash Video Chocolate Box Prince_Choc_Box.flv 35,7 Mb 04:15 24 Mar. 2009
2009 Elixer Flash Video Everytime Bria_Valente_Elixer.flv 35,6 Mb 03:47 24 Mar. 2009
Date Location, State Venue Song(s) File name Weight Duration Release date
21 September 2009 Chanhassen, MN Paisley Park Why You Wanna Treat Me So Bad? Why.mp3 256k 9,2 Mb 05:02 26 Feb. 2010
Live footage:
Date Location, State Venue Song(s) File name Weight Duration Release date
31 July 2004 Auburn Hills, MI The Palace of Auburn Hills D.M.S.R. DMSR.flv 110 Mb 10:05 tbc 2009
31 July 2004 Auburn Hills, MI The Palace of Auburn Hills D.M.S.R. DMSR.f4v 47 Mb 05:35 tbc

26 April 2008 Indio, CA Empire Polo Field 7 / Come Together 7-ComeTogether.flv 148 Mb 13:50 24 Mar. 2009
26 April 2008 Indio, CA Empire Polo Field 7 / Come Together 7-ComeTogether.f4v 102 Mb 13:50 tbc
26 April 2008 Indio, CA Empire Polo Field Creep Creep.flv 84.6 Mb 08:21 24 Mar. 2009
26 April 2008 Indio, CA Empire Polo Field Creep Creep.f4v 65.5 Mb 08:21 tbc
26 April 2008 Indio, CA Empire Polo Field Shhh Shh.flv 91.1 Mb 07:28 24 Mar. 2009
26 April 2008 Indio, CA Empire Polo Field Shhh Shhh.f4v 63.3 Mb 07:28 tbc

18 July 2009 (1) Montreux Auditorium Stravinski When Eye Lay My Hands On U WhenEyeLayMyHandsOnU.f4v 48,5 Mb 06:34 tbc
18 July 2009 (1) Montreux Auditorium Stravinski Little Red Corvette LittleRedCorvette.f4v 50,8 Mb 06:14 tbc
18 July 2009 (2) Montreux Auditorium Stravinski Link= Eye Love U, But Eye Don’t Trust U Anymore Love U, But Don’t Trust U Anymore Eye_Love_U_But_Eye_Dont_Trust_U.f4v 47,7 Mb 05:37 tbc
18 July 2009 (2) Montreux Auditorium Stravinski Peach Peach.f4v 45,4 Mb 05:25 tbc
Radio shows:
Date Location, State Venue Song(s) File name Weight Duration Release date
12 October 2009 Paris, FR RTL Radio Feel Better, Feel Good, Feel Wonderful Feel%20Better,%20Feel%20Good.mp3 320k - 02:51 17 Oct. 2009
12 October 2009 Paris, FR RTL Radio Mountains / Shake Your Body Mountains-Shake%20your%20body.mp3 320k - 04:17 17 Oct. 2009
Un-aired TV Shows:
Date Location, State Venue Song(s) File name Weight Duration Release date
25 April 2008 Burbank, CA NBC Studio 3 1999 1999-Leno.flv 45.2 Mb 04:07 tbc
25 April 2008 Burbank, CA NBC Studio 3 Guitar Guitar-Leno.flv 69.4 Mb 05:14 tbc
TV Shows:
Date Location, State Venue Song(s) File name Weight Duration Release date
15 February 2006 London, UK Earls Court 2 tbc TheBritAwards.flv 114 Mb 12:22 tbc
15 February 2006 London, UK Earls Court 2 tbc TheBritAwards.f4v 105 Mb 12:22 tbc

24 May 2006 New York, NY Kodak Theatre Lolita / Satisfied AmericanIdol.flv 40,5 Mb 03:41 tbc
24 May 2006 New York, NY Kodak Theatre Lolita / Satisfied AmericanIdol.f4v 31,7 Mb 03:41 tbc

4 February 2007 Miami Gardens, FL Dolphins Stadium tbc TheSuperBowl.flv 130 Mb 11:51 tbc

25 April 2008 Burbank, CA NBC Studio 3 Turn Me Loose Leno-TurnMeLoose.flv 37,2 Mb 02:58 tbc
Home Videos:
Date Location, State Venue Film File name Weight Duration Release date
8 September 1993 (a.m.) London Bagley’s Warehouse The Sacrifice Of Victor TheSacrificeOfVictor.flv 611 Mb 43:41 tbc
14 June 1993 Minneapolis, MN Paisley Park The Undertaker PRINCE_THE_UNDERTAKER.flv 410,9 Mb 40:42 tbc
Year Located in Format Picture name File name Weight Resolution Release date
2009 Lotusflow3r JPEG image Cliff Surrender cliff_surrender_big.jpg 33.2 Kb 550 x 413 24 Mar. 2009
2009 Lotusflow3r JPEG image Cliff Surrender fullscreen_cliff_surrender_big.jpg 297 Kb 1600 x 1200 24 Mar. 2009
2009 Lotusflow3r JPEG image Feel Good, Feel Wonderful feelgood_feelwonderful.jpg 47,6 Kb 550 x 385 24 Mar. 2009
2009 Lotusflow3r JPEG image Feel Good, Feel Wonderful fullscreen_feelgood_feelwonderful.jpg 332 Kb 1600 x 1121 24 Mar. 2009
2009 Lotusflow3r JPEG image Leaving Earth leaving_earth.jpg 22,3 Kb 550 x 413 24 Mar. 2009
2009 Lotusflow3r JPEG image Leaving Earth fullscreen_leaving_earth.jpg 132 Kb 1600 x 1200 24 Mar. 2009
2009 Lotusflow3r JPEG image Prince, Sonny, Lotus prince_sonny_lotus.jpg 72,8 Kb 550 x 413 24 Mar. 2009
2009 Lotusflow3r JPEG image Prince, Sonny, Lotus fullscreen_prince_sonny_lotus.jpg 460 Kb 1600 x 1200 24 Mar. 2009
2009 MPLSound JPEG image Disco Jellyfish disco_jellyfish.jpg 51.3 Kb 550 x 413 24 Mar. 2009
2009 MPLSound JPEG image Disco Jellyfish fullscreen_disco_jellyfish.jpg 316 Kb 1600 x 1200 24 Mar. 2009
2009 MPLSound JPEG image P 139-05 P139_05.jpg 38.8 Kb 550 x 399 24 Mar. 2009
2009 MPLSound JPEG image P 139-05 fullscreen_P139_05.jpg 220 Kb 1500 x 1088 24 Mar. 2009
2009 MPLSound JPEG image P 166-08 P166_08.jpg 37.6 Kb 550 x 400 24 Mar. 2009
2009 MPLSound JPEG image P 139-05 fullscreen_P166_08.jpg 213 Kb 1500 x 1090 24 Mar. 2009
2009 MPLSound JPEG image P 174-09 P174_09.jpg 64.7 Kb 550 x 397 24 Mar. 2009
2009 MPLSound JPEG image P 139-05 fullscreen_P174_09.jpg 387 Kb 1500 x 1083 24 Mar. 2009
2009 MPLSound JPEG image Prince MPLS Enlightened prince_mpls_enlightened.jpg 43.6 Kb 550 x 413 24 Mar. 2009
2009 MPLSound JPEG image Prince MPLS Enlightened fullscreen_prince_mpls_enlightened.jpg 263 Kb 1600 x 1200 24 Mar. 2009
2009 Elixer JPEG image 25 Anticipating 25-anticipating.jpg 54.4 Kb 535 x 336 24 Mar. 2009
2009 Elixer JPEG image 25 Anticipating fullscreen_25-anticipating.jpg 334 Kb 1600 x 1005 24 Mar. 2009
2009 Elixer JPEG image Crown Of Light crown-of-light.jpg 36.6 Kb 535 x 398 24 Mar. 2009
2009 Elixer JPEG image Crown Of Light fullscreen_crown-of-light.jpg 206 Kb 1600 x 1191 24 Mar. 2009
2009 Elixer JPEG image Eyes Closed Close-up eyes-closed-close-up.jpg 50.5 Kb 535 x 381 24 Mar. 2009
2009 Elixer JPEG image Eyes Closed Close-up fullscreen_eyes-closed-close-up.jpg 316 Kb 1600 x 1139 24 Mar. 2009
2009 Elixer JPEG image Statue Of Liberty statue-of-liberty.jpg 33.3 Kb 535 x 358 24 Mar. 2009
2009 Elixer JPEG image Statue Of Liberty fullscreen_statue-of-liberty.jpg 168 Kb 1600 x 1071 24 Mar. 2009
2009 Elixer JPEG image Towel Black And White towel-black-and-white.jpg 26.5 Kb 535 x 351 24 Mar. 2009
2009 Elixer JPEG image Towel Black And White fullscreen_towel-black-and-white.jpg 135 Kb 1600 x 1050 24 Mar. 2009
2009 Elixer JPEG image White Scarf Profile Shot white-scarf-profile-shot.jpg 48.6 Kb 535 x 400 24 Mar. 2009
2009 Elixer JPEG image Towel Black And White fullscreen_white-scarf-profile-shot.jpg 323 Kb 1600 x 1195 24 Mar. 2009
2009 Main sphere JPEG image - Prince_20_v2_EXR1.jpg 48 Kb 500 x 360 -
2009 Main sphere JPEG image - Prince_24_v8_EX_RightsideR1.jpg 48 Kb 500 x 360 -
2009 Main sphere JPEG image - Prince_33_v3_EX.jpg 36 Kb 500 x 360 -
2009 Main sphere JPEG image - Prince_34_v4a_EX_mnpR1.jpg 44 Kb 500 x 360 -
2009 Main sphere JPEG image - Prince_38_v3_EXR1.jpg 24 Kb 500 x 360 -
2009 Main sphere JPEG image - Prince_40-RANDEE_v2_EXR1.jpg 48 Kb 500 x 360 -
2009 Main sphere JPEG image - Prince_42_v2c_EXR1.jpg 60 Kb 500 x 360 -
2009 Main sphere JPEG image - Prince_45_v3_EX.jpg 68 Kb 500 x 360 -
2009 Main sphere JPEG image - Prince_49_v2_EX_right.jpg 40 Kb 500 x 360 -
2009 Main sphere JPEG image - Prince_52_v3_EX_mnp.jpg 48 Kb 500 x 360 -
2009 Main sphere JPEG image - Prince_53_v3_EX_left.jpg 32 Kb 500 x 360 -
2009 Main sphere JPEG image - Prince_113_v1_EXR1.jpg 44 Kb 500 x 360 -
2009 Main sphere JPEG image - Prince_117_v3_EXR1.jpg 36 Kb 500 x 360 -
2009 Main sphere JPEG image - Prince_119_v2_EX.jpg 40 Kb 500 x 360 -

Songs released via Lotusflow3r

Albums released via Lotusflow3r

Videos released via Lotusflow3r

Live performances released via Lotusflow3r
