was Prince’s second general website. It was launched in May 1997 as a replacement for during the Love 4 One Another Charities Tour, while Prince’s official online retail, was launched around the same time. was designed by a group of on-line Prince followers after he had launched the idea through his Internet messenger handle "BedIScream." The first URL was “” before moving to "" and becoming more active with a news section (The Future), samples of unreleased or soon-to-be released material and promotion of the Love 4 One Another Charity concept in various forms.
After further developments, a new version of was launched on 1 January 1999, now containing three main areas:
- The Love Xperience: described as "the online home of positive vibe venture within 4 love so alive", this section exposed (Prince’s) views on life, spirituality, religion and ancient Egypt. This area also promoted charity actions and foundations.
- The Liberty Xperience was more dedicated to Prince, his associates and the music with multiple samples of songs and live tracks (in the Get Yo Groove On section), chats transcriptions with Prince, Larry Graham, Morris Hayes and Hans-Martin Buff and a section called "The Ways Of Pharaoh" on which Prince denounced official releases made by Warner Bros. without his approval (such as the re-releases of singles as Back 2 Back and box-sets). On the "? Of The Week", fans could direct questions at Prince/. Sections of The Liberty Xperience were dedicated to Larry Graham and to Chaka Khan.
- The News which contained two sections: "The Future" (with snippets most likely written, or at least overseen by Prince himself) and "Le Grind" to report about press releases, Prince’s activities and public events.
There was also a fourth area, a page actually, called Xperiment In Truth where Graham Central Station’s GCS 2000 album was offered in exchange of a 7$donation to the Love 4 One Another Charities.
Prince promoted heavily and the online aspects of his activities while giving interviews to promote the Love 4 One Another Charities Tour and the Jam Of The Year World Tour.
Through , Prince announced three projects that remain unreleased: The Roadhouse Garden album by Prince and the Revolution, the New Funk Sampling Series, and Mayte’s album Scorpio.
On 1 January 2000, a lyric video for One Song replaced all the content of the website until the launch of on 4 March 2000.