Strange Tales From The Rain (subtitled "Prince: 1978-1984") is the second promotional compilation album by Prince, available in late 1984 in Japan only, following the success of the Purple Rain album and movie.
The first disc includes all Prince-related tracks included in the Purple Rain movie, included in the order they appeared in the film, including those by The Time and Apollonia 6.
The second disc includes Prince’s previous hits presented in rough chronological order based on their release as singles, as well as Sheila E.’s The Glamorous Life.
As such, the double-disc album comprises of recordings from six Prince/Prince and the Revolution studio albums and three related artist albums, all released originally between 1978 and 1984.
Notably, the versions included on the album are not all album versions. Let’s Go Crazy was included as an extended remix previously included on the Let’s Go Crazy single, while several other tracks were included in previously-released edited form. The inclusion of God, a b-side, was rather unusual, especially as the vocal version included here had not been included in the movie, which instead featured the instrumental version.